Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Blog...!

I have taken so long setting up this blog that the address isn't quite what I wanted it to be, but hey I don't think it matters (still have a relevant email address set up from last year when I had this idea about getting more serious about sewing!).

First I will have lots of photos to upload of what's been keeping me busy for the past little while as I explore and experiment with patchwork, quilting, and little bits and bobs of ideas for leftovers!

Anyway, I can post my pics, share ideas and keep a record of what's going on here!

Why Sew La Vie? Because my first few pieces have been about Life. My first quilt (picture to follow!) ended up being a wonderful celebratory present for Little Miss H's first birthday (and she is a good girl and one of her earliest words has been to say "Wow!!!!!!!!!!!" whenever she sees my sewing. She'll go far...).

Second quilt - not such a fantastic set of circumstances but my statement about Life all the same. A Life cut short so more of a memorial - but a memorial and a prayer project for me. Spiritual defiance mixed with a journey of grief culminating in a very special quilt I have given away and I have prayed God will continue to use it. My time with the quilt came to an end and I passed it to its intended recipient full of hope for the future. I like the idea of sewing inspired by Life. So that is what I have decided to call my sewing hobby. I am having some labels made for what I make - but again, that's been in the pipeline for a while and I haven't got around to it yet!

The next major project is another memorial quilt. Commissioned by a friend (she's paying the international postage!!!) as a gift for a friend of hers in memory of her mum. I am in possession of garments she used to wear, as well as a bridesmaid's dress, and will eventually receive some buttons... I am discovering buttons can be nice on quilts so because the lady had a button collection, it will be a perfect addition at the end. So I have to get busy designing and making that one but for now I am enjoying messing around with post Christmas craft, finishing a quilt for one of my children, and getting ready - I hope - for another homeschool term beginning at the end of January. So I am enjoying the holiday spirit!

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